Well, it's been a minute since I've blogged. Like it's mystically different than just writing a journal in Word. I've been in a transparent honesty before politeness mood of late. Confrontation can be good. My life is quite a story and whether others want to know about it, I want to look back at things and have my memory stones to remember where I was when God moved and did things in my life. I tend to think of my life as mundane and normal, but then I remember, o yeah, not many white 20 somethings live with an african american grandmother and her grandkids in the hood and hangs out most of the time in the projects playing chess, basketball and RockBand.
I've learned quite a lot and I don't want to forget things. George MacDonald said that, "We awake and lo we have forgotten." Anyhow, my life has not gone the predicted path and I suppose that if it had, what faith would that require. I'm kinda glad that despite all the bumps, sometimes you have to walk the rocks to see the mountain views. As I sit with my feet up on the railing of my porch in the gentle rain, fending off mosquitoes, and closing the day out talking to neighbors, listening to the sounds of my neighborhood, as I sing to myself and reflect on my day, I'm learning about grace daily.
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