I decided against the 12 hour Harry Potter Movie Marathon and did some reading on the plane today. I love people, especially little kids and older people. The kids dancing around on my flights brought me great joy and amusement. Dostoevsky said that, "The soul is healed by being with children and I agree." I finally read the Shack and it was a great complement to Jack Johnson's, "The Mango Tree" album. I usually don't like to read and listen to music, but there was a toddler in front of me that was crying most of the flight and kept putting his fingers in his ears b/c they must have been really hurting him. I felt bad, I've been there, thankfully my Friday routine of laying on my office floor putting ear drops in my pained ears paid off and I was pain free for all my flights, praise God. I love the idea of recognizing the different aspects of the trinity and how our relationship looks different with each person. I love how the book portrays the unity in joy and pain of the Godhead. It calls me to be like a child and get rid of the religious norms that I hold onto that prevent me from truly knowing God. I want to write more about the book b/c I feel that I can identify with some of the frustrations and pain that Mack has and how it limits his relationship with God. At times it was harmonious how the lyrics from The Mango Tree went with portions of the book, God's pretty cool like that. I'm just a kid and I'm still learning. Who knew Jack Johnson was so spiritul?
Sometimes it’s hard to ease my mind to realize,
you’re always with me waiting, willing
to hear my, thoughts my hopes,
my dreams, my every need
I pray for wisdom and overstanding
What’s meant to be will always be though I controll my destiny,
Free will you gave me even though you made me.
Be careful of the things you do it eventually comes back to you,
universal law, Babylon shall fall.
I pray for peace in times of war
you’re always with me waiting, willing
to hear my, thoughts my hopes,
my dreams, my every need
I pray for wisdom and overstanding
What’s meant to be will always be though I controll my destiny,
Free will you gave me even though you made me.
Be careful of the things you do it eventually comes back to you,
universal law, Babylon shall fall.
I pray for peace in times of war
where is pete flying to or fro? u never know with these people anymore, the world has become so transient. stay in one place for goodness sake!! :D
i am getting tired of traveling so much, i'm ready for one place!
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