I was trying to come up with a catchy blog title and it came and hit me... real deep, I know. It actually is because its very appropriate for me, in my neighborhood, my job and my personal life. It's about extending grace, removing your ego, hoping and giving people a possibility to grow into. I need to green line.
It's ironic because just today I borrowed Rachel's book called the Art of Possibility by Rosamund

"Michelangelo is often quoted as having said that inside every block of stone or marble dwells a beautiful statue; one need only remove the excess material to reveal the work of art within. If we were to apply this visionary concept to education, it would be pointless to compare one child to another. Instead, all the energy would be focused on chipping away at the stone, getting rid of whatever is in the way of each child's developing skills, mastery and self-expression.
It is an enlivening way of approaching people that promises to ransform you as well as them. It is a shift in attitude that makes it possible for you to speak freely about your own thoughts and feelings while, at the same time, you support others to be all they dream of being. The practice of giving an A transports your relationships from the world of measurement into the universe of possibility."
That's where I stand right now. I need to transport my relationships. It's so much easier to just judge, hold grudges and be angry at people who disappoint or hurt you. I'm sick of that, it wears on you way too much. I'm letting go, I'm greenlining and you're all getting A's suckers, cuz I'm a big old sucker myself. Listening to U2 and Bono cryin out in Yahweh and a lot of that song talks about giving people A's, especially recognizing that we all deserve big fat F's, but that it is through God's love that we are capable of shining. I love that man. Oh, and give me an A even though I'm writing this at work, no worries, I'll be working all evening! Peace
Take these shoesClick clacking down some dead end street
Take these shoes and make them fit, take this shirt
Polyester white trash made in nowhere
Take this shirt, and make it clean, clean
Take this soul stranded in some skin and bones
Take this soul, and make it sing
Take these hands, teach them what to carry
Take these hands, don't make a fist
Take this mouth, so quick to criticise
Take this mouth, give it a kiss
Yahweh, Yahweh
Always pain before a child is born
Yahweh, Yahweh
Still I'm waiting for the dawn, still waiting for the dawn, the sun is coming up
The sun is coming up on the ocean
This love is like a drop in the ocean
This love is like a drop in the ocean
Tell me now why the dark before the dawn?
Take this city, a city should be shining on a hill
Take this city, if it be your will
What no man can own, no man can take
Take this heart, take this heart, take this heart
And make it break
1 comment:
I love what you've quoted out of the "Art of Possibility" regarding Michael Angelo and giving and A... very cool thought, one that I thought is a great concept to use in our new Value booklet for teens in India.
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